[ 2007]When matching an IT candidate to a job there first needs to be basic thinking done, because job names alone cannot be used to match people.

By properly categorising IT candidates and jobs and taking career development factors into account, finding the right candidate for the right job is possible.

First of all, there are two types of companies in IT: service providers and service receivers. In service providing companies, IT staff members are doing more people interfacing than staff in service receiving companies.

"Serious developers will be employed in the manufacturing of the software product, therefore minimising end-user contact. Business analysts are required to have a lot of end-user contact, therefore knowledge of their industry and people skills are important."

In small companies, developers tend to work with the full software development life cycle. This means from client contact, business analysis, programming and testing.

In big companies like banks, roles are more separated, for example, business analysts only do business analysis and programmers only do programming.

This is, therefore, important to ensure a candidate for a job has worked successfully in a similar team structure to the one he intends to apply for.

In other words, a C# developer in a small company might be a completely wrong fit to a C# developer in a big company.

By properly categorising IT candidates and jobs and taking career development factors into account, finding the right candidate for the right job is more possible.

"A field technician who works for an IT infrastructure service provider company supports Windows or Linux and related desktop products. He needs to have people skills to be happy in his job. When growing a career, he has the choice of going more towards the server support and often away from a service company or more towards sales inside the service company. It is important to look for these signs in a CV when doing the career planning for IT juniors.

"When taking a few basic factors into account, more accurate matching of IT professionals to new jobs can be done"